Wednesday 12 October 2011

Well thanks for telling me!

It will have been a whole month on the 13th since I was last seen at the orthodontic hospital to have my braces changed and tightened etc. I was getting concerned as I was yet to received my next appointment letter whether its in 3 weeks or 6, so I called them.

It turns out the doctor I've been seeing has moved units, and is not assigned to me anymore, therefore I have no further appointments made as of yet, and not only was I not told this, but had I not called to inquire, they would not have added me to the new list of patients waiting to be reassigned to a doctor!!!!!

That's the NHS for you... but still, I can't complain too much, I am lucky enough to be given this treatment free of charge.

I do hope I get an appointment soon, you know when your braces stop feeling tight anymore? thats what mine feel like now.

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