Thursday 26 January 2012

Almost One Year

Hello Strangers! I know its been a while, but there's been not much to report and I didn't want to bore you all with stories of my life between appointments.

I had my braces changed last week, the 18th, and I'm back to having a thicker wire, to help my back teeth get in line. I have another appointment on February 27th, and then in March it will have been one whole year since I first got my spacers inserted to make way for these little bits of metal which would take over my life for the next two and a half years.

My underbites' really coming along now, but my only complain would be that my lip feels rather huge now, as it has to stretch to cover my bottom teeth, and when I relax my mouth, as you'll see in a momment, its not a pretty sight:

General Smiling - Still Awkward!

I have decided to go with my surgeon's original idea and have my upper jaw moved forward slightly, as I think this would help my profile.

Relaxed Mouth - Silly lip!

So there you go, not much else to say, but again, if there's any double jaw surgery patients I would be happy to take any advice you have off your hands!

Also, I've just had my 11th piercing in my ears, to all the pierced-post-opp people, will I have to take them out for surgery? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,you are cool!nice blog,bracesblog-You are beauty braceface.
