I had my appointment at Newcross - where I had the surgery, and my surgeon was really really pleased with his work, no I mean really pleased. He kept standing back and staring at me and smiling - it was as if I'd done a painting and was proud of my work, which is fair enough really - I'm proud of his work!
He said everything went well, the reasons I have a larger swelling on my left side is due to a haematoma when they were cutting (this is just a collection of blood which made a swelling as it bruised). he says my stitches are healing fine and he was happy with my recovery. So they've discharged me from that hospital :)
Today was the first day where I've taken no tablets as I've woken up :) I'd been off the co-codamol for a few days now, but still had ibuprofen in the mornings and at night to help me sleep, but today I woke up with no headache, no jawlock - it was bliss!
I had my appointment at the manor hospital - where I've had my orthodontics done for the last 2 years, and he is really pleased, again, and said that there's not much more to do on his end, as he tried to do as much as he could pre-op.
I've had to have some elastics though!
He put one either side...not too bad as I could still open my mouth fairly good. Then he added two more closer to the front - I wanted to cry, I felt so distressed - I couldn't even open my mouth to speak let alone would be able to add any food in there!
He then showed me them in the mirror, and told me the outer ones stay on, but the front ones I have to put on myself just for night time.
I was so relieved!
I felt devastated thinking I've only just been able to open my mouth and chew some foods and now this! But it's going to be okay - If I can manage to put the bands on! But on the bright side I might have my braces off soon! He said he will do it as soon as I can open my mouth fully!
So, this is me, day... 11 I think? That's what my count down says anyway!
Can't wait for the last of the swelling to go so I can really see the results!
Here's the elastics which will stay on until my appointment next week maybe? (hopefully!)
This shows me where I need to put the elastics.. Wish me luck - They're so fiddley!
This is as wide as I can go with these elastics in!!!
This is now my favorite side. My new 'good side' even with swelling I'm so happy with it.
All in all, I'm still a very happy customer!
It's still worth it :)
Hope everyone is well, hang in there, whatever your circumstances, I feel it'll change your life for the better - just 4mm has made me so happy and given me so much confidence!
Enjoy the weekend!